Saturday, April 21, 2018

Excellence and Equity of Care

·       What issues regarding quality and early childhood professionals are being discussed where you live and work?

One of the issues that I constantly discuss with my peers is their need to continue their education.  Staff members who have no experience working with children are required to complete child development modules, specific to the age groups that they work with.  A set of completed modules counts as 15 hours toward higher education at Ohio State University.  Or, if that individual is not interested in pursing a degree, they can apply for their CDA (or for staff members that work with school age children, the MSA).  Another issue we discuss is the need for staff members to execute high-yield learning activities.  This doesn’t necessarily require higher education, but it definitely requires a certain level of enthusiasm.

·       What opportunities and/or requirements for professional development exist?

In addition to staff members completing their modules, they also have learning opportunities through Boys and Girls Club of America and Spillett Leadership University (affiliated with BGCA).  Staff members must be trained annually on a variety of topics, from Positive Guidance /Appropriate Touch, Child Abuse and Developmentally Appropriate Practices to ServSafe Foodhandlers and CPR/First Aid to Age Appropriate Environments.

·       What are some of your professional goals?

One of my professional goals is to continue my education in order to ensure that I am current with the changing world of child development.  Another goal is to mentor staff and help them realize their value to the program so they understand how important they are.

·       What are some of your professional hopes, dreams, and challenges?  One of the challenges that we face is that we work in a military community and a good amount of staff membes are military spouses.  Sometimes, they end up laving the program before they are fully developed.  I would love to have a program that places a bigger emphasis STEM concepts!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alivia,
    I really enjoyed reading your post this week. I too set my professional goal stay current with the early childhood world also. I believe that with that is to also know when you are no longer an asset to the early childhood community. I know many teachers that get "comfortable" and feel that they way they have always done things in the classroom is the best way. I, just like yourself want to stay on the cutting edge of children's development, encouraging others to do the same. Keep up the awesome work!


Farewell and Best Wishes

Throughout this course, I have learned a number of important information regarding childcare but there are three that stand out to me....