Saturday, June 30, 2018

Reflection on Learning

·      Why is your simulation important to the field of early childhood?

I believe that my simulation is important to the field of early childhood because it reiterates the fact that we should all focus on the well-being of the whole child vs. just teaching them their letters and numbers. We should, in partnership with their families, talk about discuss the importance of their healthy development physically, socially and emotionally. I truly believe that this research will be helpful in their development.

·      If you were to conduct your simulation proposal, who would benefit?

If I were to truly conduct my simulation proposal, it would benefit children.  They would be able to live a life free of medication (unnecessary chemicals in their bodies) and learn healthy ways to take care of themselves. 

·      What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional been modified as a result of this course?

This course has helped me realize that early childhood professionals are extremely important when it comes to research pertaining to children.  We are already privy to information that we have gained throughout our years of undergraduate and graduate studies.  That education helps us implement those things we have learned. On top of that, learning how to conduct proper research will insure that we are looking for relevant information from proven studies to help them going forward. 

1 comment:

  1. I think without having the constant access to reserach we as educators would not be able to teach effectively. We are always learning new tools, new assessments, new discipline techniques, new resources and that list continues. Having knowledge about all these scientific approaches is truly enlightening because we can have an idea as to how to implement these approaches and create our own simulations.

    Best wishes on your simulation!


Farewell and Best Wishes

Throughout this course, I have learned a number of important information regarding childcare but there are three that stand out to me....