Saturday, July 14, 2018

My Family Culture

If a major catastrophe had almost completely devastated the infrastructure of my country and I had no say in where I could go and I could only take 3 small items with me, I would choose to take a bible for sentimental value (my grandmother’s that I received after she passed away), a notebook (because I thoroughly enjoy writing, especially by hand, and writing in a journal is therapeutic for me) and my cell phone and a journal because I can load music and pictures on it to keep me inspired when I’m unsure of what will happen to me and my family. 

If I was told that upon arrival, I could only keep one item and I would have to give up the other two items I brought with me, I would feel sad.  However, if my family is right there with me and they are safe, I would be able to manage.

·        As a result of this exercise, I really took stock in what is important and realized that so many of the things I think I need on a daily basis are insignificant.  I found myself wanting to things that had more sentimental value and although those were material things, there was still some meaning behind my desire to bring them along.

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