Friday, September 14, 2018

Communication Assumptions - FRIENDS

For this assignment, I chose to watch the first episode of FRIENDS (The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate).  While watching the show, I assumed that all of the characters were good friends.  Based on pure observations, I could tell when they were happy or sad, excited, annoyed, pensive.  For example, one of the characters, a chef, was talking to a colleague of hers and at the beginning of her conversation, she was happy.  As the conversation progressed, she seemed confused about something her colleague told her.  At the beginning of the show, I saw one of the characters in a wedding dress, on the phone and pacing.  I assumed she had been left at the altar.  

When I watched the show again with the volume on, I discovered that the character in the bridal gown was talking to her father, explaining to him why she left her fiancé.  It turns out she was not devastated because someone had deserted her on her wedding day.  The other character, the chef, was excited to tell her colleague about a romantic encounter but later found out some disheartening news about him, which angered her.  If I had been watching a show that I know well, I my assumptions probably would not have been more accurate.  Even when we think we may know a character or the direction that the show is going in, anything can change!

My “aha” moment this assignment came when I really thought about how we should never assume what people are thinking or feeling solely based on facial expression or body language.  Sure, most times those things are good indicators but don’t always tell the true story.  For example, I cross my arms often.  This is not out of annoyance or boredom of even as a defense, just out of habit.  However, because I know that this can be offensive to some, I do my best to keep my body language neutral.  I believe the best form of communication is to ask people how they feel instead of making assumptions. 

Crane, D., Kauffman, M. (1994). The one where Monica gets a roommate. 
Warner Bros. Television. FRIENDS. Courtesy Netflix.


  1. Alvia,

    I can't believe you never watched Friends (enters surprised emoji) lol. I can relate to your "aha" moment, not assuming what people are thinking and/or feeling, you know how the saying goes about assuming. I myself tend to cross my arms, universally thats a sign of defense or annoyance. But, I am always cold and if I'm crossing my arms its 95 percent is because I am cold. What did you think of the show?


    1. I liked it! It's been on my Netflix watchlist since they started streaming it! I just never find the time to sit and watch it. I thought this would be the best time to watch it and get my schoolwork done! I really like it and am looking forward to a time when I can binge-watch a few episodes. At the moment, my daughter and I are watching Glee so my short attention span can't handle too many shows!


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